Latest News (last updated 23/04/2024),

  • Vera Baker Final: Congratulations to Wanderers who beat Rising Stars by 20pins.

  • Joes Stokes Final: Congratulations to the Ring Exiles who beat Lesters by 14pins.

  • Final League Table has been been updated, due to a clerical error Peelers were allocated 20pts on Week 17 instead of 2pts (an addtional 18pts). This has resulted in a significant change to the final league table. Peelers have dropped to 4th place, elevating Wanderers to 2nd and Barrow Bashers to 3rd.

  • Presentation Night: Friday 24th May Grove Sports Centre @ 7:30pm. Please speak to your captain if you would like a ticket.



League Rule Updated

Nailsea and District Skittles League Rules.

No change to the league rules announced at the 2023 AGM.

Inter League

Previous Inter League Table, Inter League Scorecards,

Inter League Fixture are:-

  • Inter League - to be reintroduced for the 2023-2024 season

Annual (End of Season) Presentation Night

Friday 24th May 2024 Grove Sports Centre @ 7:30pm


Captains Meetings and Annual General Meeting

AGM is scheduled for the 18th June 2024 7:30pm @ Grove Sports Centre.


Historical Fixture Books